50 Years of South Stafforshire Council

The countdown is on!
South Staffordshire Council are officially on countdown with just under eleven weeks to go for our 50-year anniversary celebration! As they prepare to commemorate this significant milestone, they will be sending out a survey shortly to ask residents to send in their stories, photographs and memories in our borough to record our history. It’s a great chance to celebrate:
• 50 years of our borough
• Our communities
• Our borough’s wonderful achievements and to look forward to the next chapter
Have you got a special memory of South Staffordshire? It could be of a particular place, view or building that you love and feel should be celebrated? They would love to hear and see your photos of South Staffs in the last 50 years. Whether its a favourite spot or a special or unusual event, please share your memory with them at Comms@sstaffs.gov.uk.